Saturday, May 16, 2009

Something different for homework

There are many kinds of homework. Would you like to try some different homework this week?
You can show this post to your parents and tellthem that if you do these things then you willnot need to do your normal homework this week:
1. Visit the new 2M class blog with a parent and read all the posts. Leave a comment on one post. (You can also get to the new blog through your portal - type and use your login just like you do at school. Look for Blogs on your portal page.)
2. Click here to do some maths work about flying a helicopter!
3. Click here to practise your spelling. Click in each box, type in ten of your spelling words for this week, then do Look, Cover, Write, Check.
4. Visit the 'My Neighbourhood' website (Click here) and show someone in your family how to use it.
5. Visit Tweak's Jam Session
Hapi Drums online
and play a tune for someone at home.
6. Email Mr McL and tell him what homework you have done.
Is this more fun than normal homework?

Friday, May 8, 2009

Trial Blog

The DET has created a new blogging tool which is now being tested. As part of that testing, 2M now have another blog.
Click here to look at 2M's Other Blog.