Saturday, May 16, 2009

Something different for homework

There are many kinds of homework. Would you like to try some different homework this week?
You can show this post to your parents and tellthem that if you do these things then you willnot need to do your normal homework this week:
1. Visit the new 2M class blog with a parent and read all the posts. Leave a comment on one post. (You can also get to the new blog through your portal - type and use your login just like you do at school. Look for Blogs on your portal page.)
2. Click here to do some maths work about flying a helicopter!
3. Click here to practise your spelling. Click in each box, type in ten of your spelling words for this week, then do Look, Cover, Write, Check.
4. Visit the 'My Neighbourhood' website (Click here) and show someone in your family how to use it.
5. Visit Tweak's Jam Session
Hapi Drums online
and play a tune for someone at home.
6. Email Mr McL and tell him what homework you have done.
Is this more fun than normal homework?

Friday, May 8, 2009

Trial Blog

The DET has created a new blogging tool which is now being tested. As part of that testing, 2M now have another blog.
Click here to look at 2M's Other Blog.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

It's a miracle!

Our class pets are two female mice, Sonia and Willow. I don't know how, but yesterday Willow had ten babies! Baby mice look like tiny sausages when they are newborn, but they quickly grow into energetic little furry hoppers. All 12 mice will be in 2M's classroom from Thursday for a few weeks. When the babies are about 5 weeks old, they can go to a local pet shop.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Easter 2009

We had lots of fun at Easter. First, we had an egg hunt in the infant playground. Then, we had our Easter Hat Parade.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Banana Phone

Here's a little movie we made in class. It's called Banana Phone. We hope you like it!

Monday, March 16, 2009

2M's Fruit Graph

Today we made a graph of our favourite fruit - then we ate it. The photo was taken by Joban.

Fruity Art Works by 2M

Calem's Creature

Apple face by Yash

Lemony by Lara

Mohammed's Orange Man

by Armaan

Lots of fruit was harmed in the making of these pictures - but we did eat it all!
The fruit was donated by The Big Apple in Wentworthville. Thank you, Dominic!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Evelyn's Computer Art

I made this flower on logo. BY EVELYN.

I made this flower on Logo.
First I wrote down
circle2 150
then I wrote
rt 30.
I did it over again and again, then I saved it. I went to Paint then I opened my flower and coloured it in.


Priya's Logo flower

By Taylah

By Elijah

You can download the program MSW Logo free from this site:

Here are some pictures we made at school using MSW Logo - a turtle with a paintbrush on its tail!

Look Cover

Here is a good way to practise spelling at home. Click here to visit the Look Cover Write Check website at Ambleside in England.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

We like to surf the net!

Here are some of the websites we have looked at in class: - a great site for home reading! Go to the section called "I'm Reading".

Brainpop - some free educational short movies. We watched the Penguin movie and tried the Quiz at the end.

World Maths Day is a great site if you like a challenge in maths.

Uncle Fred will teach you how to draw some lovely pictures.

Orisinal has some fun games. We like "Snowbowling".

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Pancake Day

On Tuesday we made pancakes in the classroom because it was "Pancake Day" (and because we like to eat). We used a simple Procedure:

How to make pancakes

You need: 1 cup of self-raising flour
1 cup of milk
1 egg
Some butter and/or oil for frying

1. Mix all the ingredients together.
2. Wait for one hour.
3. Fry the batter in a hot frying pan.

Always get an adult to help you when you want to cook something!


Mr Easton brought a blue-tongue lizard to our classroom. He told us lots about blue-tongues and we asked lots of questions. Thank you, Mr Easton!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Silent Ball

One of our favourite games in 2M is Silent Ball.
Click here to watch a short video.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Playing the didgeridoo can be easy! You have to be careful not to blow too hard - just relax and enjoy!

2M enjoy music

The children in 2M are good singers. One of our favourite songs is "The Cat Came back"

Old Mr Johnson had troubles of his own

He had a yellow cat which wouldn’t leave his home

He tried and he tried to give the cat away

He gave it to a man who was going far away

But the cat came back the very next day

The cat came back; they thought he was a goner

But the cat came back, he just couldn’t stay away.

The man around the corner swore he’d kill that cat on sight
He loaded up his shotgun with nails and dynamite
He waited and he waited for the cat to come around
Ninety-seven pieces of that man was all they found

He gave it to a man going up in a balloon
Told him just to take it to the man in the moon
The balloon came down, about ninety miles away
Where that man is now, well I just couldn’t say.

The H-bomb fell, just the other day
The atom bomb fell in the very same way
England’s gone, Australia’s gone and now the USA
The human race is finished, they had no chance to pray

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Mr Berwick Plays Guitar

Mr Berwick came to our classroom today to play guitar for us. He is very, very good on guitar!
Click here to watch a short video.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Sonia and Monica

Sonia and Monica are our two pet mice. They were class pets of lst year's 2M and they are still alive and well!

Eve is off to China!

Today was Eve's last day in 2M before going to China for a few months. We hope she has a very exciting time and we look forward to hearing all about her travels when she gets back.Eve says she will miss our two pet mice, Sonia and Monica, because they are so cute!

2M like to read

Here are the children of 2M in their classroom doing silent reading. The children enjoy reading books of their choice for about ten minutes every day.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Welcome to 2M's class blog for 2009

Hello and welcome to the class blog for 2M at DRPS for 2009. The children and I will post information, pictures, audio, video and many other files to share some of the activities and projects we attempt during the year. If you would like to leave a comment on any post, you just need to create your own "blogger ID" by visiting

Mr McLoughlin
2M Class Teacher