Saturday, February 28, 2009

We like to surf the net!

Here are some of the websites we have looked at in class: - a great site for home reading! Go to the section called "I'm Reading".

Brainpop - some free educational short movies. We watched the Penguin movie and tried the Quiz at the end.

World Maths Day is a great site if you like a challenge in maths.

Uncle Fred will teach you how to draw some lovely pictures.

Orisinal has some fun games. We like "Snowbowling".

1 comment:

  1. Hello Mr McLoughlin and 2M! I have been looking at your blog and thought I would say hi!!! It was nice seeing your smiling faces and looking at all the fun you are having at DRPS. I miss all my little 1/2B students and can't believe how much they have grown in such a short time! Keep up the good work!!!
