Wednesday, February 18, 2009

2M enjoy music

The children in 2M are good singers. One of our favourite songs is "The Cat Came back"

Old Mr Johnson had troubles of his own

He had a yellow cat which wouldn’t leave his home

He tried and he tried to give the cat away

He gave it to a man who was going far away

But the cat came back the very next day

The cat came back; they thought he was a goner

But the cat came back, he just couldn’t stay away.

The man around the corner swore he’d kill that cat on sight
He loaded up his shotgun with nails and dynamite
He waited and he waited for the cat to come around
Ninety-seven pieces of that man was all they found

He gave it to a man going up in a balloon
Told him just to take it to the man in the moon
The balloon came down, about ninety miles away
Where that man is now, well I just couldn’t say.

The H-bomb fell, just the other day
The atom bomb fell in the very same way
England’s gone, Australia’s gone and now the USA
The human race is finished, they had no chance to pray

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